What’s a GeroFuturist? It is a unique word, and it’s because my role is unique. It really started way back in my early, early career where I became a futurist by chance. I didn’t expect it. I ended up in financial services after having been an educator and a serial entrepreneur, as many of you […]
Shift Happens
These are the best of times and the worst of times~ Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens Many of us in the U.S.A. are grieving the election of Donald Trump and his emerging alt right plutocracy and cronyism, on top of rampant extreme violations of our U.S. Constitution and Bill of rights to flagrantly […]
Seeds of a Conference: Wisdom on Aging
At my last PAC conference I had the privilege of meeting a new audience of professionals in the field of aging, all convening on the East Coast in beautiful Sarasota. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to introduce my newest work on the narratives—the real stories and conversations—upon which we can evolve and […]
Restoring and Restorying Positive Aging
My destiny has been to stand on the shoulders of and along with others in spreading the truth about our future and sounding the call for planning strategically to meet the challenges and needs of this enormous demographic group and the echo effects on our emerging intergenerational workplace, our future economies, our very way of life, […]
The Birth of an Aging Positive Movement
As a professional futurist and transformational certified gerontologist, I’ve been tracking positive aging on the age beat for decades. The field chose me long before I realized it. It’s been a long deep dive and a challenging open-ended solo journey, applying foresight to our shifting demographics as we traverse discontinuous changing times. All the while, I’ve […]
Value of Wisdom: Crone vs Google
Value of Wisdom: Crone vs Google If you would indulge me for a minute. I want you to take a moment and think of your grandmother, great grandmother, or great aunt: whomever you think of when I ask you to imagine your oldest and dearest female relative. Imagine what she looks like. I want this […]
Thoughts from the Frontline of Innovation: Part 2
In case you missed the first part of this 2 part series go back and check it out here. Throughout the two days I kept feeling something was amiss, but no matter how much it rattled me I couldn’t concretize what it was. That is, until I listened long and deeply enough to discern what […]
Thoughts from the Frontline of Innovation: Part 1
At Princeton University’s AlumniCorps’ I was invited to attend a first of it’s kind invite-only conference entitled, “Engage at Every Age.” The name alone put attending this event at the top of my “must-go-to” list. Going in all I knew for sure was that this event was created as a symposium for professionals in Higher […]
Where Do We Go from Here? Part 2
This post is part 2 of Critical Thinking Strategies for Aging Experts – My quest for answers to the general public’s denial in aging began several months ago after reading several studies on long-term care. You can refer to the report Misconception on Aging. Also, please read part one to comprehend the following answer by […]
One Secret of Graceful Aging
or Some Things Just Don’t Work the Way They Used To By Sidra L. Stone, Ph.D. The war was over and the big day had finally arrived. My mother and I took the subway to Manhattan to a fine department store for my first pair of really special shoes. They were perfectly delicious—a luxuriously soft […]
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