Guest post by Anne Garland, managing director of eWomenNetwork (Greater Hartford and Shoreline chapter) and founder and creative director of Anne Garland Enterprises. Here’s one secret which I have learned over decades of exploring and adventuring toward success and fulfillment: “Having it all” (whatever “it” means to you, individually) can ONLY happen when you build […]
Combat Ageism with Marketing
Once in an Engage Boomers article on, Expressing Herself: What Marketers Can Learn When Madonna Tackles Ageism, Mark Bradbury discusses how cultural attitudes about age commonly shift as people enter their 50s. Sharing negative ageist comments (e.g. “old hag”) made about, of all people, the vibrant, successful 56-year-old performer, Madonna, he inquires as to […]
Thoughts from the Frontline of Innovation: Part 2
In case you missed the first part of this 2 part series go back and check it out here. Throughout the two days I kept feeling something was amiss, but no matter how much it rattled me I couldn’t concretize what it was. That is, until I listened long and deeply enough to discern what […]
Thoughts from the Frontline of Innovation: Part 1
At Princeton University’s AlumniCorps’ I was invited to attend a first of it’s kind invite-only conference entitled, “Engage at Every Age.” The name alone put attending this event at the top of my “must-go-to” list. Going in all I knew for sure was that this event was created as a symposium for professionals in Higher […]
Ever Get Lonely? Take Time to Connect!
“Solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.” ~ Honoré de Balzac In my June 22, 2015 Ageless Beat blog, “Alone Doesn’t Mean Lonely….” I spoke about how we all may experience loneliness and, though it may seem ironic, sometimes it’s beneficial to spend time alone doing something nurturing to […]
Time Out
Springtime is all about renewal and rebirthing … aren’t we supposed to feel energized and rarin’ to go? Yet, instead, do you find yourself struggling to stay on top of all that needs attention in your life, never mind finding time for relaxation and pleasure? Forget about extreme Self-care! Clients, colleagues, and friends are […]
Home Is Where the Heart Is…
“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” ~ Jane Austen Is it any wonder that as we grow older so many of us want to remain in our own homes? After all, our home is often the space where we have lived for years, if not decades, a place that […]
It’s the Chemistry That Matters
With more people living longer, active lives, we are at a historical crossroads in which the demographics of business environments are shifting. It’s time to drop the narrative that persists about Boomers vs. Millennials battling over jobs, being on different planes or coming from opposing perspectives. It’s time to undergo the complex transformations necessary […]
You Don't Need Psychic Powers
I’ve talked before about why it’s a mistake to wait for the economy to recover before we transform our lives, work, and world. The future belongs to those who are starting those transformations now, who are shaping the world and creating their own place in it. If you can’t afford to make a huge leap […]
Ageless Technology
Despite the stereotype of the technology-challenged Boomer, we know that 50-plussers are a fast-growing group of technology users, particularly in using social media for multiple purposes, including growing their businesses—especially among women Boomerpreneurs. But there’s another area of technology that often flies under the radar when we’re talking about Boomers and tech, yet the impact […]
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