Bravo to Mary Furlong for pioneering the What’s Next Boomer Business Summit for the last 10 years. Advocating for big business and investors to not leave money on the table, she is a leading visionary voice bringing big money attention to us, the 50+ market. The summit is the place to be for big money to […]
The Future Is in Her Hands
On Thursday, I talked about two physics concepts that apply to our lives, our work, and our world: resonance and dissipative structures. Resonance teaches us that with the right timing, those of us of like mind, on the same wavelength, will have a magnified effect on the world when we come together—a much greater effect […]
Women Mean Business
With the Spring Equinox, Passover, and Easter, this time of year is one of renewal, regrowth (and new growth), freedom, and the chance to start fresh, to restore—and re-story—our lives and our work. Taking a longer view, we can see signs that as humans, we are in the spring of our existence, emerging from a […]
Let’s Take It from the Top
I have written before about the backlash against women’s growing power and success and what we can do about it (see “How Being Successful Can Save the Planet” and “Talking Ourselves out of Success”). The rising assaults on women’s rights—and the assaults on women’s bodies—follow and coincide with a long upward trajectory of women’s power […]
Connecting the Dots
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Positive Aging
I’m an aging junkie. No doubt about it. And proud of it! I turned 69 on Monday, and it’s no accident that I’ve just returned from the Sixth Annual Positive Aging Conference, sponsored by the prestigious Fielding Graduate University of Santa Barbara, California, and I’m now attending the highly regarded Boomer Summit, presented by Mary […]
Talking Ourselves out of Success
On Thursday, I wrote about women’s increasing economic and professional power as well as the backlash from the patriarchy in the form of assaults on women’s rights and bodies and a resurgence of the old boy’s club in corporate America. The answer is to bypass the current system. How, you ask? We must recognize that […]
How Being Successful Can Save the Planet
Women are increasing their power all over the world, and the world is profiting from it. A recent McKinsey survey showed an increase in profits in emerging markets for 34 percent of companies who’d made empowering women a priority. According to Catalyst, companies with women board members outperform those with all-male boards by 42% to […]
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
I was as excited as anyone when Marissa Mayer was hired as CEO of Yahoo while in the third trimester of her pregnancy. I don’t think it ever occurred to anyone that this woman would not advocate for a family-friendly workplace at a minimum. So of course, I was also as shocked as anyone to […]
The Generational Job Rift—And What We Can Do About It
All over the world, people are working past the usual retirement ages. In some cases, this is due to the minimum age rising, and in others, people need or want the income, the security. But, as I’ve discussed before (e.g., The Retirement Age Myth), many people are continuing to work because they want to, because […]
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