There is a children’s book, entitled Are You My Mother?, in which a baby bird is born while his mother has gone to get some food for his arrival. Because she is not there when he emerges, he goes in search of her, asking the title question of the animals and machines he encounters. Along […]
Getting Comfortable in Our Own Skin
For some women, there’s a particular moment when we recognize that our bodies are no longer young, and for others, this is an ongoing process, simply a continuation of the lifelong body judgment we are taught from a young age. We know that we have internalized the expectations of a youth-obsessed society and the unrealistic […]
The Generation Ahead
I have discussed the importance of strengthening and creating intergenerational relationships, but usually, I’m talking about the relationships between boomers and the younger generations, the X’s and the millennials. One important connection, however, for boomer women in particular, is with the generation of matures, those women who are in their 70s and 80s right now, many of the first feminists who are also among the first to transition from work to “retirement” and to benefit from our increasing longevity.
Taking Care
If there is one aspect of being post-50 that we all share in one way or another, it is the concern about care—caring for our parents, our spouses, our grandchildren, our children. Many of you can probably check off several of the above as immediate areas of concern, especially if you are a member of […]
Visionaries Have Wrinkles
This phrase caught my eye in my email inbox: “Meaningful Beauty.” It’s appealing, isn’t it? Who isn’t drawn by both beauty and meaning? The combination of the two was tantalizing, promising substance, a look at beauty that was beyond skin deep—which only made the actual content of the email all the more ironic. It was […]
The Pink Dilemma
I recently went through an experience that I’m sure many of you can relate to—buying a gift for a girl and having to navigate the pink dilemma. I wanted to get a Channukah gift for my young granddaughter that her older brother wouldn’t want to play with. I knew she’d love a remote-controlled car, one […]
A Future That Works
If you can’t afford to make a huge leap now—starting or reinvigorating your own business, changing or reinventing your career, transforming your organization—you can, and should, start doing the legwork now so that, when the opportunity presents itself, you’ll be on firm footing to make that leap with confidence, without hesitation. Staying on top of […]
Women, The Patriarchy and Success
In another blog post, I talk about women’s increasing economic and professional power as well as the backlash from the patriarchy in the form of assaults on women’s rights and bodies and a resurgence of the old boy’s club in corporate America. The answer is to bypass the current system. How, you ask? We must recognize […]
Is the Glass Ceiling Half Empty or Half Full?
When we look at women’s power in the workforce, whether running their own businesses or working as executives or on boards in the corporate world and academia, we can view the situation as negative or positive depending on our focus. Obviously, women are still underpaid and vastly underrepresented in positions of power, although this is […]
Presence and Invisibility
The phenomenon of growing increasingly invisible as we age, and using that invisibility to empower us and others to be change agents, is related deeply with the visionary attribute I discussed in “Unwrapping Your Presence” and “Stop, Look, and Listen”. The invisible power to fly under the radar and quietly lead change, which I talk […]
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