For most of us, this is a busy time of year. It’s a wonder we have enough time in the day to get everything done, much less have time to relax and reflect. To the people we encounter at parties, family gatherings, events, we often convey our stress, our feelings of being constantly rushed, and, these days especially, our uncertainty. The many opportunities we have this month to connect on a deeper level with like-minded people, the members of our tribe, are often lost because we are disconnected from ourselves, from who we really are deep inside.
Have you ever been around someone who draws people to them, who seems to emanate a strong sense of who they are and what they are about? No matter what they are doing, from socializing at a party to simply riding in an elevator, they have presence. Odds are, this someone has been you at different points in your life, when you’ve felt clarity about the big picture and your purpose on this earth. During these times, you’ve made your deepest connections with others, drawing out who they really are and what matters to them, feeling in sync with each other and with your vision. Your visionary voice was wide awake, and you were not only listening, you were physically, viscerally, resonating with that voice. You embodied your soul’s purpose. You had presence.
Imagine recapturing that feeling again this month. Imagine having that presence everywhere you go, knowing exactly what your vision is—whether it be a vision for yourself, your family, your community, your world, or all of the above—and easily conveying it in every encounter, inspiring others to awaken their own visionary voices, and finding ways to align your visions in ways that lead to breakthroughs, profound shifts, and innovative ideas for taking action to transform your life and change the world. Isn’t this worth finding time to do?
My vision is to catalyze the emergence of this visionary in others, because the more of us who are wide awake, the greater the difference we can make in the world—together. In the days ahead, I will walk you through the first steps you can take to reawaken your visionary voice and start emanating your vision everywhere you go. The future is counting on you to be present.
When in your life have you had presence? What were you doing, thinking, being?
KAREN – Thanks for reminding we women (and men) at midlife about this powerful piece of writing along with “Stop, Look and Listen” in a recent e-mail. The simplicity and conviction with which you write always calms and centers me – and, more importantly, helps me instantly do that for myself. Holidays? Watch out! Midlife? I’m a comin’! Presence? I’ve got it in spades. – CHRISTINE